
Booting into Safe Mode

Last modified 9/20/2024

Booting into safe mode can be helpful when trying to troubleshoot certain problems like removing viruses, adware, and spyware. If you are able to detect – but not remove a virus or adware – try booting into safe mode and removing it there.


You cannot uninstall programs through the Control Panel in Safe Mode. This must be done in Normal Mode.

To boot Windows into safe mode use the following steps:

  1. Completely shut down your computer by selecting the Windows Start Menu.

    Windows Start Menu
    Choose Power > Shut Down.
  2. Turn your computer back on and begin pressing the F8 key every second or so (If your computer begins beeping when you press the F8 key, you are pressing it too fast).
  3. At the Windows Advanced Options Menu, select Safe Mode and then press Enter (Figure 1).

    Figure 1:
    booting into safe mode bios
  4. Windows will now begin loading into Safe Mode. Some text will stream across your screen - this is normal.

You are now running Windows in Safe Mode. While in Safe Mode, you can scan your computer for viruses or spyware. When you are done troubleshooting in safe mode, restart your computer. It should load Windows normally. 

For instructions on how to scan your computer for viruses or spyware, refer to the following:

How to Get Help

Technical assistance is available through the Illinois State University Technology Support Center at:

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