
Requesting Paper and Toner for a Computer Lab that uses Pharos/uPrint

Last modified 2/24/2025

Before You Begin

Many computer labs on campus use the Pharos/uPrint system to manage paid printing. If you are a manager or employee for one of those computer labs, you can request paper and/or toner be delivered to that location.

Technology Solutions supports all printers and print workstations that use the Pharos/uPrint system. The information in this article only pertains to computer labs that use the Pharos/uPrint system.

Request Paper and Toner

To request paper or toner for a printer in a computer lab on campus, first verify that printing in the computer lab is a Pharos/uPrint system. Typically there is a sign, but if you're unsure you can also attempt to logon to the system, which will prompt you with the uPrint logon screen. Once confirmed, you may contact the Technology Support Center at 309-438-4357 or submit a ticket at

Be sure to provide the following information:

  • Your name and ULID.
  • Phone number where you can be reached.
  • Computer lab location (building and room number).
  • The Tag Number of the printer in question.
  • Indicate that the computer lab uses the Pharos/uPrint system.
  • A description of your request (i.e. need paper, need toner, etc.).
  • For toner requests, you must also indicate the make and model of the printer.

The Technology Support Center will create an Incident for this request and will send it to our uPrint/Pharos admins in the campus trouble ticket system. A staff member will deliver the requested paper or toner to the computer lab location.

See Also:

How to Get Help

Technical assistance is available through the Illinois State University Technology Support Center at: