
Enable Camera, Microphone, and Speaker Access in Microsoft Teams

Last modified 9/10/2024

To allow Microsoft Teams to access your audio (speakers, headphones, or microphone) or camera, first:

  1. Open the Microsoft Teams application
  2. In the top right of the Microsoft Teams window, click on the [...] button
  3. Select Settings (the gear icon)
    1. This will open the settings menu
  4. Within the settings menu, select Devices (the headset/microphone icon)
    1. Modify your Speaker or Microphone settings (Figure 1)
      1. Select the device that would like Teams to default to.
        1. You can also make a Test Call if you'd like to confirm your selected device is working
    2. Scroll down within the Devices Section of the Settings Menu to the Camera section
      1. Select your preferred device from the drop down menu.
        NOTE: If your camera does not show up under the preview section after selecting your preferred device, ensure your camera does not have a privacy screen that is currently covering it or disabling the cameraj

Figure 1:

How to Get Help

Technical assistance is available through the Illinois State University Technology Support Center at: