
The NIH Biographical Template

Last modified 7/11/2024

Watermark Faculty Success (formerly known as Digital Measures Activity Insight) is a tool used as a teaching, research, and service report generator. This tool also feeds faculty information to department websites and sites.

 This article contains a NIH biographical Sketch template to guide you.

 NIH Biographical Sketch Template

This section below shows you where data will be placed once a custom report has been created.


  • Screen: refers to the Watermark Faculty Success page where the data is stored.


Screen: NIH Biographical Sketch

Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors.
Follow this format for each person.  DO NOT EXCEED FIVE PAGES.

NAME:  Last Name,  First Name  Middle Name

eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login):  eRA Commons Username

POSITION TITLE:  This field is for your Faculty Title and Staff Rank

EDUCATION/TRAINING  (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable.)



(if applicable)

Completion Date




List of Institutions you have attended along with the Institutions Locations

Degree received from the institution or explanation for Other

When you completed the degree [MM/YYYY]

The Major or Emphasis of your studies at the Institution

  • A. Personal Statement

A personal Statement should be a brief description of why you are well-suited for the role in the project with relevant factors such as training; previous experimental work on this specific topic or related topics; technical expertise; your collaborators or scientific environment; past performance in this or related fields (you may mention specific contributions to science that are not included in in your Contributions to Science).

Screen: Relevant Publications →  Intellectual Contributions/Publications


Only shows items from Intellectual Contributions/Publications that are "Accepted", "In Press", "Published" AND is either: "Yes" or "Editorially Reviewed" for the “Was this peer-reviewed/refereed?” field.

You can also list up to four publications that highlight your skills for this project.

  1. [list of [Authors] as "[Last Name], [F. N.] [M. N.]"] ([Year Published]). [Title of Contribution.] In [Editor(s)] [(Ed.),(s.),)] [If this is part of a larger work (e.g., a chapter in a book), Title of Larger Work] ([Issue Number/Edition ed., vol. Volume, pp. Page Numbers or Number of Pages])[.] [City and State of Journal/Publisher]: [[Journal/Publisher/Proceedings Publisher]][.] [Web Address] PubMed Central ID Number: [PubMed Central ID Number]

  • B. Positions and Honors

Positions and Employment

Screen: Academic, Government, Military and Professional Positions



Only Experience Types starting with the text "Academic" will be listed.

A list of all positions you had by:

Start Year - End Year        Title/Rank/Position Organization

Other Experience and Professional Memberships

Screen: Academic, Government, Military and Professional Positions


This section will NOT records items displayed in Positions and Employment.

Screen: Professional Memberships

Screen: Professional


Only posts Positions/Roles containing one of the substrings: "Board of", "Editor", "Reviewer".

Other experiences and Professional Memberships are listed the same way:

Start Year - End Year Title/Rank/Position/ Organization/Committee/Club


Screen: Awards and Honors

 List any honors/awards you have received by:

 Year Received Award/Honor Name Organization/Sponsor

  • C. Contribution to Science

Screen: Contributions to Science

In this section, briefly describe up to Five of Your Most Significant Contributions to Science. For each contribution indicate the historical background that frames the scientific problem; the central finding(s); the influence of the finding(s) on the progress of science or the application of those finding(s) to health or technology; your specific role in the described work.

Screen: Relevant Publications > Intellectual Contributions/Publications


Only shows items from Intellectual Contributions/Publications that are "Accepted", "In Press", "Published" AND is either: "Yes" or "Editorially Reviewed" for the “Was this peer-reviewed/refereed?” field.

For each contribution, you can list up to four publications relevant to the contribution.

  1. [list of [Authors] as "[Last Name], [F. N.] [M. N.]"] ([Year Published]). [Title of Contribution.] In [Editor(s)] [(Ed.),(s.),)] [If this is part of a larger work (e.g., a chapter in a book), Title of Larger Work] ([Issue Number/Edition ed., vol. Volume, pp. Page Numbers or Number of Pages])[.] [City and State of Journal/Publisher]: [[Journal/Publisher/Proceedings Publisher]][.] [Web Address] PubMed Central ID Number: [PubMed Central ID Number]

Complete List of Published Work in MyBibliography:

Copy and paste a link to a full list of your publications through a digital database such as PubMed or My Bibliography.

  • D. Research Support

Note: Records included in this section are displayed in reverse chronological order. Projects should be listed in order from most relevant to least relevant to the given proposal, you may need to adjust the order in which your records display to meet this requirement.

Ongoing Research Support

Screen: Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research


Current (ongoing) Status is given to items that are "Funded", "Awarded" and also have a Record End Date (an item listed in Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research) greater than or equal to their Report End Date (the end date from the Run Custom Report page).

 This section is for any on-going research you are a part of in the following format:

Last Name of the Principle Investigator

Start of Funding - End of Funding formatted as [MM/DD/YY], [MM/YY] or [YYYY]

Sponsoring Organization name
Title of the research project
Abstract of the goals of the research
Your role in the research

Completed Research Support

Screen: Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research


Current (ongoing) Status is given to items that are "Funded", "Awarded" and also have a Record End Date (an item listed in Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research) that was active within 3 years of the Report End Date.

  • This section is for any completed research you have taken part of in the past:

Last Name of the Principle Investigator

Start of Funding - End of Funding formatted as [MM/DD/YY], [MM/YY] or [YYYY]

Sponsoring Organization name
Title of the research project
Abstract of the goals of the research
Your role in the research

  • APPENDIX: Linked Publications

This is NOT part of the NIH Biographical Sketch form. An appendix will only be placed here if you check the Linked Records checkbox at the bottom of the NIH Biographical Sketch form on Digital Measures. Any citations in this section may be copied and pasted into the appropriate section of the form above, if you wish, before printing. Delete any unnecessary citations.

Screen: Intellectual Contributions/Publications


Record Creator is equal to "No" while the Current Status is "Accepted", "In Press", or "Published" AND was a "Yes" or "Editorially Reviewed” for the “Was this peer-reviewed/refereed?” field.

  1. [list of [Authors] as "[Last Name], [F. N.] [M. N.]"] ([Year Published]). [Title of Contribution.] In [Editor(s)] [(Ed.),(s.),)] [If this is part of a larger work (e.g., a chapter in a book), Title of Larger Work] ([Issue Number/Edition ed., vol. Volume, pp. Page Numbers or Number of Pages])[.] [City and State of Journal/Publisher]: [[Journal/Publisher/Proceedings Publisher]][.] [Web Address] PubMed Central ID Number: [PubMed Central ID Number]


How to Get Help

Technical assistance is available through the Illinois State University Technology Support Center at: