
Canvas Teacher App - Mobile App for Professors

Last modified 7/1/2024

This guide is for the mobile app for professors. There is a different guide and app for students here.

There are a number of differences between the Mobile and Web versions of Canvas. Although the view may be different on these two devices, the overall feel and content will still be the same.  There are some things that the Web version of Canvas that the Mobile version cannot do that will be outlined here. There are also some devices and versions that will not have the same access as others which will be identified. For a full list of devices, their versions, and what they can access please visit: Canvas Teacher Mobile Features - Instructure Community (

With the Canvas Teacher app, instructors can do the following:

  • Browse submissions and provide feedback with SpeedGrader embedded in the app
  • Post announcements
  • Send messages
  • Participate in course discussions
  • Update assignments such as due dates and spelling errors
  • Publish assignments
  • Manage discussion settings

Table of What Devices and Versions Can Use the Mobile App and What Features They Can Use 

Canvas Video Guide

Logging in to Canvas

Additional Sources For Help 

How to Get Help

Instructional assistance and knowledge for Canvas are available through the Illinois State University Center for Integrated Professional Development:

Technical assistance is available through the Illinois State University Technology Support Center at: