
Activate My TEST ULID Account

Last modified 8/2/2024

IT staff and other staff at Illinois State University may be called on to help test IT services in the ISU Test Environment. In order to do so, a test ULID account will be required. Your test account is a separate account from your normal ULID account and will have its own password.

Request a Test ULID Account

If you do not already have a test ULID account, you may request an account be created by submitting a ticket to the Technology Support Center (see contact information at the bottom of this article). Once your account has been created, you will receive an email informing you that you that the account is ready for you to activate.

Activate Your TEST ULID Account

To activate your Test ULID account, do the following:

  1. Go to
  2. Click [Activate Your Account Now].
  3. Enter your University ID number (UID) and your birth date.
    1. Note: This information should be the same as your regular ULID account.
  4. Click [Continue].
  5. Complete all fields on the Activate Your Account page.
  6. Click [Continue].
  7. An email message will be sent in order to verify the non-ISU email address you entered.  
  8. Review the agreement on the Electronic Signature Acknowledgement Form and do one of the following:
    1. To opt in to eConsent, select [I Consent], enter your initials, and click [Continue].
    2. To opt out of eConsent, click the link in the third paragraph labeled “the following form”. Review the information on the screen, select [I Opt Out], enter your initials, and click [Continue].
  9. Select [Agree] to the Appropriate Use Policy. To review this policy, click on the link provided.
  10. Select [Agree] or [Do Not Agree] for Survey Participation.
  11. Click [Continue].
  12. Complete the required fields to create your password and complete the security questions.
  13. Click [Continue].
  14. A message will appear stating that the account activation process has been completed.

How to Get Help

Technical assistance is available through the Illinois State University Technology Support Center at: