
Canvas Special Use Sites

Last modified 6/24/2024

Faculty and staff can request Special Use course sites for non-credit-related projects and support. These sites can only be used by Illinois State University employees and enrolled students. Other options are available for cases where users outside of Illinois State University need to participate, such as Comevo or Microsoft Teams. 

If you would like to learn more about Special Use sites and the alternatives available to you, please visit the page Canvas Special Use Sites on the Center for Integrated Professional Development website. 

Self-Enrolling in Special Use Sites

  1. Click on the self-enroll link. 
  2. Login using your ULID and Password 
  3. Check the course title and confirm that you're enrolling in the correct course
  4. Select the Enroll in Course button.
  5. The course will now be available on your Canvas Dashboard, and you can begin working through the course. 

The Fundamentals for Faculty courses are Self-Enrollment courses. You can find these on the Center for Integrated Professional Developments website here: Fundamentals for Faculty Course

How to Get Help

Instructional assistance and knowledge for Canvas are available through the Illinois State University Center for Integrated Professional Development:

Technical assistance is available through the Illinois State University Technology Support Center at: